Monday, August 18, 2008

Cine Club!

The project has turned into a collaborated effort called "Imagen Estudantil". It focuses on the students "taking over their image", projecting a more positive outlook. I am in the middle of structuring the program (almost there!) and our first meeting is August 29th!

It is pretty much going to be a mix of technique (what is a shot?, dubbing, etc.) and various exercises that will help them practice their scriptwriting/narrative development skills.

Today we came up with a great idea, which is a "Ciné Club" but instead of just for the students we are thinking of opening to the Callao area. This is a troubled area but hopefully we might be able to treat the residents of Callao to a night at the movies! :)

I am creating a little promotional video for the project. That will come up soon!

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